
Naturopathic Medicine

Dr. Ashley Romanchuk, Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Ashley Romanchuk, Naturopathic Physician, B.Soc.Sci.:

Dr. Romanchuk takes a traditional approach to naturopathic medicine with a major focus in the botanical medicines as pillars of treatment. She has written a Materia Medica Botanica, available on her website, to which she is continually adding information.

Dr. Romanchuk is the Owner and Medical Director of of Wild Heart Therapies in Fernie, British Columbia. She also operates a Virtual Naturopathic Medical Clinic; Mountain Ash Naturopathic Medicine, allowing her to see patients from all over British Columbia and the Yukon Territory, Canada.

Her main arenas of treatment focus on balancing hormones with a centralized focus in fertility care. Hormone imbalances include diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders, various forms of digestive disorders and imbalances, sleep disorders, generalized fatigue, anxiety, depression, mood disorders and problems with weight (gain or loss). Dr. Romanchuk has taken extra interest in autoimmunity which is another focus of care. Dr. Romanchuk provides a strong centre of naturopathic counsel in the arenas of trauma, abuse and addiction. She spent her student clinical years working in various clinics in the DTES of Vancouver and has a broad range of comprehension from first hand experience, clinical experience, years of studying the works of Dr. Gabor Maté, MD and Dr. Durvasula Ramani, Ph.D in Clinical Psychology, and also with a Degree in the Social Sciences, concentrated in Criminology from the University of Calgary, Alberta. Dr. Romanchuk spent time studying under Dr. Stuart Donaldson, a Ph.D in Psychology and one of the leading doctors, researchers, authors, and teachers in concussion and brain trauma, which is another arena of focused care and treatment.

Dr. Romanchuk has spent many years since graduating in 2015 from the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (recently named The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine) advancing her knowledge of botanical medicines including the Traditional Chinese Materia Medica. This includes time studying under various traditional indigenous medicine people of Canada and years advancing her knowledge of traditional chinese medicine by many hours of extra courses under incredible teachers such as Clara Cohen, L.Ac., Dr. Daoshing Ni, DAOM, Nicholas Duchnowski, L. Ac. alongside studying under acupuncture mentors and years of extra self study in traditional chinese diagnostics, acupuncture and treatment protocols. Dr. Romanchuk carries her pharmaceutical license and has the ability to prescribe pharmaceuticals when needed.

Dr. Romanchuk practices naturopathic medicine with great respect to the indigenous people of the traditional unceeded territory she walks upon.

Kutenai Kid

Kutenai Kid

- Ešlija is my traditional Latvian name. I am born diaspora in “Canada”. I stand in sacred solidarity with the indigenous people of Turtle Island -I can typically be found practicing naturopathic medicine on the traditional unceded territories of the SYLIX, SINIXT and KTUNAXA NATIONS(East and West Kootenay Region), known as the Qat’muk -Home of the Grizzly Bear Spirit

Mountain Ash

Mountain Ash

Dr. Ashley Romanchuk was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, territory of Treaty #7 of Canada. She attended the University of Calgary from 2002 to 2005, graduating with a degree in the Social Sciences concentrated in Criminology, and a minor in Economics. Her first two years were spent completely immersed in the biological sciences, with original intent of attending allopathic (Western) medical school.

Studying the Social Sciences brought her into a greater understanding of humanity and the access to resources, alongside many other facets of society. She wrote her final university papers concentrated on the “Traditional People of the country known as Canada”, writing alongside culture and most importantly the loss of culture in a country that prides itself on multiculturalism. Unsure of exactly her proper way to procede post-degree at the young age of 21 years, Dr. Ashley begun studying for her LSAT and also decided quickly that was not the career she wanted. It was at this time that she moved to the small town of Fernie, BC and took up an avid life in the mountains: skiing, mountain climbing, hiking, immersed herself in a “yogic” lifestyle. It was a beautiful change in pace and energy to be living in a small mountain town in BC. It was in Fernie, BC that she met the person that introduced her to Naturopathic Medicine and was relieved that her biological sciences were actually a prerequisite!

Dr. Ashley attended the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (now named the Canadian College of Naturopthic Medicine) from 2009-2015 and spent her clinical years in the DTES of Vancouver working with many different populations including HIV+ populations, palliative-care cancer, alongside indigenous populations, at clinics such as Positive Living British Columbia, Friends for Life, The Friendship Centre, while also working as a student clinician in the student clinic at The Boucher Institute.

Since school, Dr. Ashley Romanchuk has focused her studies and practice into the Botanical Medicines, writing a book that is unpublished but the knowledge is available on this website under the “Materia Medica Botanica”. She has spent many extra years advancing her knowledge in Traditional Chinese Medicine via self-study and continuing education courses. Her focus of practice is both with a strong stance in botanical medicines and traditional chinese medicine while bridging the practices of allopathic care with the ability to provide pharmaceutical treatment. Dr. Ashley is strong in her stance about objective analysis and laboratory analysis as important pillars of healthcare, alongside providing the best evidence based medicine which often bridges pharmaceutical treatment with a wide array of nutraceuticals (supplements), orthomolecular therapy (IV therapy), acupuncture, and mind-body medicine such as counselling.

Her main focus of treatment is in hormone balancing and this includes metabolic syndromes, thyroid disorders, diabetes mellitus, sleep disorders and FERTILITY treatment. Her other main focus of treatment is in digestive disorders with special focus on ruling out/treating food allergies, SIBO, parasites and other dis-ease processess regarding the the digestive tract. Digestion and Hormones go hand in hand and Dr. Ashley has spent lots of time in continuing education to learn how to bring these issues back into balance as quickly and efficiently as possibly by providing her scope of pharmaceutical treatment options alongside her advanced knowledge in the botanical medicines, traditional chinese medicine and botanical formulations. Another strong avenue for years spent in the DTES of Vancouver, is Dr. Ashley Kristina has learned to help be of support to those suffering from trauma and the various forms of addictions trauma often creates. There are many avenues of how naturopathic medicine can provide to support the healing process so if your condition (or what you believe to be is your condition) is not listed here, that does not mean it’s not able to be a strong focus of Dr. Ashley Kristina. For any questions on treatment, please email:

Dr. Ashley Kristina Romanchuk, ND, B.Soc.Sci

Dr. Ashley Kristina Romanchuk, ND, B.Soc.Sci

I am only a messenger

I am full of knowledge to share and guidance to give and I am excited to be your biggest fan on your journey to health. My heart is invested in my guidance and sharing of knowledge for your health and well being. I wish to give a kind reminder that your health is your responsibility and I am only a guide and a teacher: only you can walk this path. Dedication, integrity and perseverance are the traits to mastery. A natural and sustainable life is abundant in its own form and this universe provides, especially when we remove the barriers to its abundance of healthy good energy. There is an old teaching that says only a Buddha is truly happy. Time each day for meditation and self-reflection, quietness and peace is so important. Gratitude and a good healthy optimistic attitude is the key to massive transformation. I can teach and remind you of this for however long it may take.

Blessings and in Health,

Dr. Ashley Kristina

A forest throne that I found while harvesting botanical medicines

A forest throne that I found while harvesting botanical medicines

A naturopathic visit may be booked by online booking by clicking the APPOINTMENT button below or by calling Marina at +1 250 531 0154

Graduating class of 2015

Graduating class of 2015

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Health is Divine